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About Great West Paving in Turlock, CA

Asphalt paving and repair service is like any other business: customers want reliable service and a pleasant experience at a fair price. Great West Paving ensures you get service with real value when you request any asphalt paving or repairs at your home or business. We are a family-owned, local business with 35 years of history serving the communities in Turlock, Stockton, Modesto, and beyond. Our company is built on the principles of better pricing, quality, and service, and our entire crew lives up to these principles on every job. We stay current on the best equipment and techniques for paving and repairs. Our training and decades of experience ensure you get expert workmanship. Every paving project benefits from our extensive industry expertise and outstanding customer service, and we keep our rates fair and competitive to provide the best deals. The communities we serve are important to us, and we value their patronage. By keeping our prices affordable without compromising on our quality, we contribute to the betterment of homes and businesses. We are interested in forming a long-term relationship with our customers, so they come to us whenever they need asphalt services.

newly paved parking lot

High-Quality Service on Every Project

Great West Paving emphasizes quality in all the work we perform for our commercial and residential customers. New pavement at homes and businesses requires expert skills to ensure a new parking lot or driveway is smooth and flawless to make it look appealing and provide a stable surface for years to come. We also do grading to prepare properties for paving and other projects, and we will resurface your asphalt when it needs a new surface to restore its condition and appearance. You can extend your paved surface’s longevity with seal coating and give it back its lustrous black color. If you have cracks or other damage in your asphalt, we can perform repairs to resolve these issues without having to invest in more substantial and expensive measures. Parking lots and service roads need drivers to be responsible and not speed through them, so we offer speed bump installations and repairs. We are not a public works business, so we do not pave interstates or highways. However, we can install side roads if you need them.

We Serve Our Communities with Pride

Great West Paving is proud of our 35-year history as paving specialists for the communities stretching from Merced County to Stockton. If you need asphalt services in places like Ceres, Modesto, Turlock, and Madera, we are ready to help you.

Schedule Your Estimate Today